
Folclore e Ranchos Folclóricos Portugueses

Portuguese folklore groups in the MA and RI

Ranchos de folclore em Massachussets e Rhode Island


Traditional Portuguese folk music has been defined as: music transmitted by mouth, as music of the lower classes, and as music with unknown composers.  Another way it has been defines is: music that has been transmitted and evolved by a process of oral transmission or performed by custom over a long period of time.


Concertinas (similar to an accordion) are most commonly used musical instruments in Portuguese folk music.


Fado is another form of traditional portuguese music. Fado, an old form of urban folk music in Portugal, was born in the streets and back alleys of Lisbon, Portugal in the early 1800's.  Fado music expresses the Portuguese identity through lyricism, composition, performance and community.


For those who want to learn how to  sing and dance Portuguese folklore, the traditional  songs and dances of Portugal. You may want to contact one of the many Portuguese folklore groups throughout the US. They are known as ranchos folcloricos.


Many of the Portuguese clubs and organizations in the US have ranchos folcloricos where you can learn to sing or dance portuguese folklore for free.



















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